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How To Use Micro-Influencers Marketing To Grow Your Business

Influencer Marketing has become an effective way to market and promote your product on Instagram. In fact, it is on track to become a $15 billion industry by 2022.

In other words, the marketing power of influencers exists to remain.

Micro-influencers have a much larger following, there are three key benefits to working with Micro-influencers:

Micro-Influencers Marketing

Influencer marketing

1. Micro-Influencers Are More Expensive

For most small businesses, your budget may be too small for you to work with promoters with 500K + followers.

Add a Micro (and Nano) effect – they are very expensive, and in some cases, they may be open to working with you on an ongoing basis. Skincare Hanahana Beauty Brand has a network of Young Promoters who often post their products, such as businesswoman Nneka.

2. Minor Influences Have Niche Communities on Instagram

They are able to connect with their community and get to know their fans better, like a trusted friend or confidante. So, when it comes time to recommend a product or product, the response will usually be very positive.

Compared to Macro influencers, Micro-influencers have a smaller, but more targeted audience. Many Micro influencers speak only about one or two topics – a niche – that allow them to grow materially on social media.

This makes Micro-influencers a good choice for products that want to enter a niche community and increase their exposure to the community.

3. Minor Influences Have Higher Rates of Involvement

According to Fohr Influencer Marketing Report revealed that fewer promoters have on Instagram, raising their average engagement rate. Micro-influencers have a 20% engagement rate for all sponsored feeds and posts.

How to Get to Know… Who’s Micro? Who’s Mini? Who’s Nano? 

Mirco-Influencers Chart
  • Nano-influencer: 1,000 to 10,000 Followers
  • Micro-influencer: 10,000 to 100,000 Followers
  • Macro-influencer: 100,000 to 1 Million Followers
  • Mega-influencer: More than 1 Million Followers.

How to Get Micro-Influencers for Your Product

Before we jump on the bandwagon you can use micro-influencers to win more customers, you need to understand how to find these people.

  • Finding the right facilitator is important.
  • It can make or break your campaign.

If you choose the wrong promoter in the wrong niche, you risk spending money on a failed campaign that will not grow your business.

Fortunately, there are a few tools we can use to collect influencers and start the access process. According to my personal use, I found HYPR the best.

What is HYPR?

It is an analytics-based tool that allows you to get data on tons of different influences in any given niche. Free and over 100 searches.

Most of these tools cost tons of money, but HYPR offers you free searches and detailed reports. To get started, create your free account. Once you get to the dashboard, it’s time to search:

Once there, we want to set some search filters based on the data we entered earlier.

Remember: promoters with 1,000 to 10,000 followers gained 4% popularity, while accounts with more than 10,000 followers only gained about 2.4 percent.

For micro-influencers, we want to focus on accounts in the next 1,000 to 10,000 spans.

But the theory is that they have a higher number of followers than the nano influencer and a lower number of followers than the main promoter. Depending on who you ask, you will receive slightly different answers to how many young influential followers. 

Some Benefits of Micro-Influencer Marketing Campaigns

How to Use Micro Influencers Marketing

Collaborating with strategies and micro-influencers can unlock various benefits for your product, from building your brand reputation to improving your campaign conversion rates. Below, we will go over the unique benefits of this type of partnership.

  • Higher Levels of Audience Engagement Than Average.
  • Accessible and open to feedback.
  • Willing to Work with New or Small Products.
  • Additional Costs Minimum Budgets.
  • Reaching Niche Communities.
  • Unlock Ongoing Relationships As They Increase Their Influence


Driving more sales and getting more customers is an idea. That is especially true in today’s world where every niche and subset of that niche has a rival.

You start investing in influencer marketing.

Mostly, by micro-influencers. It is a growing niche within an influential market that sees huge profits in investment. Start by testing micro-influencers.

HYPR is one of the best tools you can use to compile a list of minor influences you can use.

Next, use hashtags specific to the campaign. That is one of the best ways to use micro-influencers to drive tons of growth.

Remember, promoters with less than 10,000 followers will reward you with the best value for your money when it comes to engagement.

Take advantage of the purchasing power you can give your user-generated content.

Also, check to generate or create invoices.

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